Posted by Deb Parker on 10th Nov 2014
I left Melbourne on a Friday morning. My flight was delayed a couple of hours, but hey this was almost India, get used to it. I flew non - stop to Delhi where there was a few hours to kill before my connecting flight to Ahmedabad. My first impressions of India were 1. that Delhi at night from the air was an amazingly sprawling city, low rise buildings and lights for miles and miles, endless lights, and 2. the airport was surprisingly well run. There was even a little ice-cream cart selling what looked like homemade kulfi, civilised and homey at the same time, nice touch.
Arriving in Ahmedabad was all about seeing my daughter again. Ally met me at the airport in an auto rickshaw, and we began the drive back to NID (National Institute of Design) where she had been studying Communication Design. On the way we saw many cows, goats, cows, dogs, cows, monkeys, cows, even two elephants and of course more cows! Even at this early hour the streets were busy with people, friendly, smiley happy people. It felt good to be there.
It's official we have a name..........A wonderful mix of Indian sounds and meaning and my very own Ally.Given that she was the motivator, confidence booster and all round best ever, most patient travelling companion, it only seems fitting.In Hindi, a 'Haveli' literally means 'big house', but like us it is so much more. It is where [...]
I love travelling, I always have. I have spent many hours finding out about India, learning about the rich textile history, trying my hand at curries, reading novels set there, loving the music, listening to scary travel stories, getting hooked on Bollywood movies and much more. India is just such a vast country and culture. [...]
For awhile it looked like it might not happen. Not to be deterred I forged ahead with my plan to go to India. Ahhh India, so many wonders, top of my wish list since forever. Every piece of fabric that I had learned about and become interested in, had roots in India. Whether it was [...]